Meet Megan Berger

Growing up in Dallas, Texas, I adored food ever since I was tall enough to reach the brownie batter bowl (shoutout to my fav baker ~ mom!). After college, I worked in the corporate world to support my husband and I through his schooling. I loved my job but spent most of my time dreaming up recipes and cooking over-the-top meals in our tiny apartment kitchen. It became clear my passion for food was more than a hobby, so after years of planning and saving, I decided to leave my job and pursue a career in recipe development.

To expand my knowledge of professional cooking techniques, I spent the summer of ‘23 training under a chef in Florence, Italy. I now attend culinary school and live in Northwest Arkansas with my wonderful husband and best recipe taster, Tyler. I’m so grateful to be able to share what I learn and create along this journey ~ now let’s get cookin!